I installed the full jaws setup on a sled with some recommended clutching and a PCV with a map provided by the manufacturer. (Remember this map was based off Dyno runs at 1000' or so like most companies that design for a broad range of elevations) This was on a early build 18 that is fully out of the break in mode. When I took the sled out for its first test ride it couldn't hardly get out of its own way above a certain rpm. I knew it wasn't cluthching related at this point so I went back to the trailer to look at the map and sure enough every where there was fuel added in the PCV it had a noticeable stumble and then couldn't get past a certain RPM. I knocked down the numbers in the PCV and took it for another test ride and everything improved significantly, but still wasn't quite right after several attempts of decreasing the added fuel. So with having almost nothing for added fuel left in the map I decided to make everything a zero and make a short run. It ran almost spotless and pulled really hard almost to the companies recommendation. I stopped to check the plugs and they looked perfect. After several pulls I noticed a slight hesitation or bog going from full throttle to about half throttle and then to wide open. At this point I could smell my belt and took my sidepanel off and both of the clutches and the belt were very hot. Back to the trailer I went to figure out the cluthching issue. I left everything identical except for the weights I had in it and swithed to a different style. With the other weights in it the bog or hesitation was absolutely gone and I was actually very close to the target RPM with normal clutch temperatures. I added some more weight to the arms and it settled in at a solid 8500 RPM. This setup would almost go immediately to 8450-8500 and just peg it there no matter what the conditions were.
I was only able to test for about half a day with this setup but there will be more refining done to it in a short while. I will definitely try adding some more weight and probably try a more vast elevation range than what I was at. The only tuning means I had on this tuning trip was to read the plugs and look at the wash and everything looked perfect according to how everything looked with a fully stock setup.
I didn't ride this setup under 8000' according to the Cat display. Most of the actual testing was between 9250' and 9750 for the time being. I did add a gallon of Race Fuel to the tank for insurance though.