I think this track will climb great in set up snow.....
I only base this on the fact that I've seen how a pegger track works on set up snow where regular lugs spun.....
I'm just not sure how the curve in the paddle will be for going downhill like the A20....
I hope they come out with a straight paddle as an option. If I could put a pegger with a 2.5" lug on mine I would.... I guess that's why I like the PC because it has that pegger characteristic.
I have to ask a dumb question about the bend in the Lug with the A20 and PC's.... Obviously they cup the snow for traction..... But is it possible that the lug being bent straight under traction/acceleration finish's and when the lug's return to there rest position which is curved.... Can you pick up small gains in hp or acceleration??
I'd assume that you'd need to have the track under alot of load to bend the lug's past 90 deg..... The feedback to the transmission would surely be different load/shift wise I'd assume...... Seems like it would load up off the bottom quicker than a regular track.....???