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Polaris weights

Anybody ever notice a new set of weights r not all the same weight I've bought 3 different sets yesterday got them home and just for s**ts &giggles I put them my gram scale and not a one was the same weight I know that my scales not off I checked it with a nickel and a it weighed 5grams, so with that being said is it a good thing to grind them to make them all the same or should I leave it alone? Will that make my clutch off balance to the point of taking a crank out or crank seals?

Example the 60g weights 1-60.4, 1-60.1, 1-60.7
The 78g weights 1-78.2, 1-78.5, 1-78.6
The 76g weights 1-76.4, 1-76.8, 1-76.5
It's not just polaris weights. Almost all factory weights are off a few grams. Like others have said, grind them down a little to get them to the same weight. Grind from the inside.
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