Machines Break..
Machines break. Whether it be a tractor, an airplane, a car, or a snowmobile. They break. We are a Polaris family. All the way from a 08 120 to a 1996 XCR 600. (Yes inverted, we broke down and bought the little ones the learners gimmick!) I have posted this story before here, but I'll post it again, condensed.
A friend blew up his 144" 2000 800. Sheared the crank in half. After it was rebuilt, we had to rebuild cluthces. Because they were bad before hand or the new motor combo didn't jive, I don't know. What I do know is that that machine would flat out do 110+ and then some just a little bit more further, before the motor blew, catch my drift? I had a 151" 2000 800 and after checking the crank end for play, we decided to do some preventive maintenance. Motor comes out, lower end gets big bearing up grade, a cylinder and piston replaced, clutches redone, with all the other numerous small parts replacement. Machine runs great. We put over 800 miles on it last season, ate 3 trees(wife and son) and 1 10,000ft crevace, gonga-la-goonga, and it still runs strong. My wife complained late in the season that it was down on power. I said get on, and two-up, she started pounding on my back to slow down. The speedo showed 92 mph, the tach at 7600 and still eating. I'm pretty sure it was her imagination.
Now, back to the at hand subject. Last year was my first year riding hard. And I put just as many, no make that twice as many hours in(there were two of us working) working to maintain and fix and tweak 4 sleds as I did riding. As technology improves, these machines become more capable, but materials still wear and fatigue. You must check and pay attention to every nut and bolt all the time. I cannot tell you how many times we've been fixing one thing only to find 2 other things wrong, broken, or missing.
If you got the impression that maybe I don't have a clue what I'm doing, you're probably right, because I'm sure I don't. But when it comes to riding in -20 degrees just to turn the wrench, or a 3am white out drive to make it to a plowed road so as not to be snowed in for an entire winter, 90 mile round trips because every one says pizza sounds good, or a rescue call for a heart attack victim, my sleds have to work. I have only walked once in my life and it was just as dark as it was cold (real friends come looking for you when you don't check in!)
JM2C, but they break. the more your ride, the more they need looked after. Think of them as a horse, if you continually ride hard and put them away wet, sooner or latter they will break, and it just becomes a question of when and how bad, not, will it break?
Check out the you tube video, HillBilly Snowmobilers, and seen what 110+ looks like from an essentially stock machine.
And if you got the impression I like speed, you're wrong. I am content to do 60mph all day long, STRAIGHT UP ON MY NEW DRAGON!!!
I could be happier with a manufacturer than I am with Polaris. Thanks for an awesome product POO!