Don't you find you lose a solid edge on sidehills in soft snow by rounding or tapering that edge?
I can understand how it would be better on hardpack but the physics seems all wrong for soft snow. You would certainly never design a ski or snowboard that way.
I guess that depends on how a person rides , for me it's kind of like going into a corner on a bike . At a slower speed I just have to drive around it but on the throttle the momentum is there and so is the throttle and the drift . Standing in an aggressive mode on a side hill works a lot better for me if I'm sitting I'm not as likely to compensate and react for the washing of the skid that I would also call nimbleness .
Tracks are getting deeper lugged and that takes power and on the flip side that isn't noticed tracks have been manufactured for years with rounded lugs because they help assist , they just aren't as deep . It's all or nothing doesn't make for an all around purpose .
I've mentioned this on one of the builds that seat height has a big factor in this also , my seat height is around that magic number 32 but was not always . The one skid that has 3 shocks up front is more like 34-36 , it trenches and is aggressive as all get out but was also a very bad skid in good snow, was never ment for that. The new Polaris S skid will be the new standard for some . It's lower and the spiel about it being for newbies is either silly or they needed a sales pitch or they don't know what they actually built but say it's the most dirt bike feel. Flatter approach angle and lower center of gravity , is there something wrong with that or are dirt bike riders all arena pros , above my pay grade. The clearance for foot pegs doesn't work for me when triple digits are just a twist away .
While there's been some that have done everything possible rebuilding thiers to accomplish a lower seat height know this to be a better skid. Maybe they are the ones that should get the credit for the S , good job
I think that skid will change the way snowbikers will ride , sitting is no longer for all sleds .
Hardpack is a different way of riding , relying more on the front . The correct ski is actually amazing on hard pack , it also scrubs ponies , so it's like a completely different set up and ski .
Don't get me wrong I'm not being a smart butt and I understand the difference between what I drive and what most of you drive , technology is great , wish I had some of the stuff you guys have access to .
There is a lot of comparison , those that take advantage of it profit .