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Poachers near pk 4086' and Halibut Tail (Hatcher Pass)

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You know if you lived in Alaska you could change your user name to noroadmatt and would naot have to be a moron and go out poaching...no wait, stay in Co., we don't need another idiot here. Every village already has 1. :beer;


hey hitman since that is your sled and all. post some pics of it. Lets see some more. And when could a Law enforcement officer call someone a punk. I call bs. Enjoy The "Ban" Punk:)
Cmon you guys that pic was fing funny...and thats a 500ss, basically a 600 liquid, no sloach in the hands of a skilled policeman like that. haha
Blah, blah, blah. Poaching is at your own risk. Do it and get caught, pay the fine. There is acres and acres of non-motorized places for skiers to go including tons of ski resorts. Snowmobiles are losing ground daily, so yeah there is going to be more poaching. If you don't like it. Maybe you should try and help us keep some of the land open for riding. Snowmobiling does NO HARM to anything. Its not like they are tearing up the land. After the snow melts you can't tell where any snowmobiles have been.

What a Peckerhead. Your type makes a good argument for birth control.
Ah did somebody's feelings get hurt, get a life. Like posting about poaching on snowest is going to stop anybody. All that does is allow some punk azz cop to get high on his self. F*&%ing hippies.
Oh yeah and who is the Puzzy azz btch that forgot to put his name behind his red rep. Was that "the hitman".
Now that everyone is fired up, lets talk some since. I would not ride wilderness if it was closed so skiers could enjoy it. I have only been into the wilderness once, and it was at least a weeks worth of skinning for some hippie to get there one way. So you know they won't be there. I fully understand that poaching doesn't help the sport. But when your favorite riding spot gets closed because some hippie at a desk thinks that the elk need a place where motorized vehicles will leave them alone. I mean come on like the elk are hanging out at 11000 ft with 10 feet of snow on the ground. F*&^$ no, they are in my backyard during the winter. I do feel that motorcycles and ATV shouldn't be allowed in the wilderness when the elk and deer and hippies can gain access to it, but nobody but snowmobiler's can get there in the winter. So leave it open for winter recreation. If it did any harm at all and I mean any I would not do it. If some hippie tried to get there on skis, his vomit from trying to climb that high would be worse then some tracks in the snow that are only visible for a day if that. I know this has nothing to do with some poacher is Alaska but its the same everywhere.
I feel a little better now.. To think this guy breaths perfectly good oxygen.... I get a little bent when stupid people make stupid posts and this guy seems like he has a lot of stupid to go..

actually he makes some really good points. i think he is just really frustrated at the situation and how motorized users are getting F!*KED every year with closures and it is only going to get worse. Just wait until you can't ride anywhere in the chugiak (sp?) and they completely close the front side of hatchers to sleds. and don't tell me a good number of rangers wouldn't love that. (think the hatchers rangers) we'll see how your tone changes then. maybe you shouldn't be so quick to be an a-hole and try to consider his point of view. just a thought.


edit: just to be clear, i don't support poaching and don't ever do it. (at least at this point in time. we'll see how i feel if i don't have a place to take my kids riding when they are old enough.)
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I would put this one to rest but people can't quit trying to hand out the red rep unsigned. So this brings up a valid point. How is this guy? They ask.

Names Matt
I'm 25 years old 5' 10", 220lbs, Married with two kids.
I work full time as a Aircraft Mechanic yes that means I'm a college graduate.

I'm also a active member in: The Rocky Mtn Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, A life Member of The Gold Prospectors Association, Member of the Colorado Snowmobilers association, member of the Holy Cross Powder Hounds, and yes the NRA.

So there you go, what have you done for the sport. When is the last time you wrote a letter to you congress man trying to explain the need to not close more wilderness, I have.
Atta boy matty!!!!! Tell em' how it is!!! By the way your red rep isn't guna make Dent .......
Keep conforming!

Got in a little late, read the whole thread, and I love it. Ignorance abounds, complete and total ignorance by all you fern fairies. Keep conforming to every little law that our overbearing government sets out, and while you are at it hand over your sack. I don't set out to ride wilderness, but we live and ride so close to it sometimes it happens. Deal with it. Its a FREE country, and thats the way we live and ride, FREE. Hopefully, thats the way it stays.
I have to agree with the majority of you. I ride every weekend (try to anyway) and i am pretty good about knowing what place's and trails are open. Altough i am not down with poaching it doesnt make it right that cc skier's come and bomb down the bowl in turny! I have seen it alot this year and i think someone else said it too. I just wave and give a little, ya know. Does it make it right NO. Would it be cool if we all bombed across the highway? NO. So we all try to get along for the most part right? Wont be long and the state will have us all sitting at home playing video games. Lifes short people, after all WE ARE ALL JUST SQURIAL"S TRYIN TO GET A NUT! Right?

Ride Safe!
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I was not informed that this turned into the Colorado section. Someone please direct me back to the sane Alaska section I once knew and loved...
If it makes you feel any better one guy we ride with lives in Alaska 3/4 of the year
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