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PLEASE READ!!! Hidden Gems Wilderness....the end of ATVs, Motorcycles and Snowmobiles


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Good Evening,

I am writing you all tonight to ask for your help in preserving our club, our sport and most importantly our way of life. This is way bigger than just a "snowmobile thing". Last night Kristy and I along with other snowmobilers from the valley attended a meeting held at Fire house in the town of Thomasville above the town of Basalt. The meeting was held by the Frying Pan Caucus and was a presentation presented by the Wilderness Work Shophttp://www.wildernessworkshop.org/ of Carbondale. The presentation was the Hidden Gems Wilderness proposal act. What was presented to us the scariest thing I have ever seen in the form of a threat against our sport and motorized recreation as a whole. The proposal is to make over 600,000 acres of the White River and Gunnison National Forests into wilderness. What makes this scary is that they are proposing to do this in the next few months and have the ability to do so. While we have all heard this song and dance before what made this proposal different was the following.

The Wilderness Work Shop has done the following things

1. They have figured out a way to end run the Forest service and the normal process of proposing wilderness

2. They have found a congress man ( Jared Polis 2nd district US house of Rep) to sponsor the Bill as soon as they have it done

3. They intend to get the bill shoved thru congress this year while they have a favorable congress.

4. They have very deep pockets but they want to avoid having to deal with the motor sports community at all costs

What this means to you.

What this means to you is that if they continue as they have planned they will have 600,000 acres new wilderness in White River and Gunnison Nationals forests by this time next year.

How this effects you?

The main reason this effects you is that it would make over 75% of Four mile, Clear Fork, Spruce Mnt, Basalt Mnt, Red Tables, Hagerman pass, Huntsman's ridge and Thompson Creek area all wilderness, off road to ALL MECHANIZED use. If you look at their maps and overlay it with our own trails and play areas we would loose all our best areas and trails. There is no comprise with these folks, snowmobiles can in no way or shape fit into their plans, they finally admitted this to use on Monday night. The only way their proposal works if we are gone.

If they accomplish their next step will be to next year to take the WHOLE FLATTOPS north of I-70. Basically if 4-Mile falls the Flattops are next. If you use anything from a Chainsaw, Mnt Bike, ATV, Snowmobile, 4Wheel Drive to a Motorcycle this will defiantly effect you!

This is a very complicated issue and we have arrived into this battle at a late hour. I do however feel like we have a very real chance to win this thing or at least keep these people somewhat honest. What I am asking for from you folks is a few things

1. Ideas on how to get a hold of other folks that don't belong to clubs that stand to loose from this proposal.

2. Different ways and means to bring attention to this huge land grab

3. Ways to get more information to the public that this is going on

4. The final thing for now is to be ready to respond when the time comes with letters and calls to county commissioners, senators, house reps, ect.

I will be the first to admit I hate writing letters, much less for things like this. Sadly this is what it's going to take to win this deal. We as a group have to reach our elected officials and tell them we do not want this. What myself and others in the next few days are going to do is prepare a simple letter with maps and info that we can email to friends and family and give to the local power sport dealers to mail out to their customers. What this letter will contain is a short summation of what is happening and what we can do about it and who to contact and how. I want to make this as easy as possible for people to be able to get their opinions to our elected officials.

Please pass this on to all you know that have a something to loose from this fight. The website with all the info and maps is the following http://www.whiteriverwild.org/p-roaring-fork-14.html click on the areas for the maps and details. It is flat scary.

Hopefully we will have something ready in a few days. Believe me, I know we all work regular jobs, have family's, ect and I can think of million things I would rather be doing but this is a going to be fight for what we all love an cherish and it will take everyone's help to win this battle.

If anyone has ANY ideas or would like to help please let me know.

Thank you

Sean Martin

Mount Sopris Rec Riders
we have a few years left for sledding and enjoying the mountains
get it in while it's good

most Americans are to STUPID to see what is going on, they don't care because it doesn't impact their pathetic little pedestrian lives

Don;t waste your passion.............

SkiDoo........and everyone...........don't waste your passion on typing how pissed you are on this forum!!!!


Contact this Rep. and tell him how you feel (Calmly and politely..........use spell check if needed :o )

This is our land to enjoy and share with our families!!!

There was enough wilderness implemented in the 50's!!!!!

People is this type of action is permitted to pass through congress (don't forget we have control of those dimwits, fh's)........we may have a bit of land to sled on BUT...........you'll need to have the skills to drop a 50-100 ft cliff or more to ride the areas NOW ALLOWED:(.........and it will feel like riding in a big, deep ditch with all of your buddies and a few flatlanders with some sick riding skills...................(cuz, they learned to "drop in" also)

This precedents can't be allowed to go through. If they do.............it's all gone and I will never ride with my son (He's two years old now) where my father introduced me to the sport...................yes, Four Mile, Flat Tops, Grand Mesa.............it will all go eventually.
The final thing for now is to be ready to respond when the time comes with letters and calls to county commissioners, senators, house reps, ect.

I will be the first to admit I hate writing letters, much less for things like this.
"Just an Idea" I have wanted to bring up on this forum. I have seen websites offer grassroots online forms that are filled out by the people and either e mailed or mailed to the appropriate senetor/representative etc Here is a link to a site that is utilizing this technology. I have no idea how its done, but it would be a lot easier/faster than everyone writing letters.


Here is the site that manages such a form.

qreiff, it said I can't write him cause I don't reside in the proper district? WTF, I can't even send the douche bag an email but HE can say what goes on to OUR land even when he has not even been on it?

So how can we actually get our responses sent to him?
Someone on here said it and I think it's worth stressing. Don't call/write/contact Polis to tell him that he is a jack azz or that you hate his party. Make sure you don't contribute to the problem but that you suggest a better alternative and let him know that this proposed plan does not work for all groups including ours. We have a strong tradition and this action hurts Colorado people, economy and growth.


I just found out that the Eagle County commissioner meeting agenda for next week has Susan Kincade as a speaker for Hidden Gems. I'm sure she will be pushing the proposed plan to the commissioners. I plan to attend an contribute where I can. Our county commissioners are all Democrat, so this needs to be addressed at a delicate level. I do think that they care about the wellfare of the county people, so I haven't given up yet.
so what's the counter argument to "save the mountains from evil human machines"?

"pretty please don't"?

they'll most likely have more people at the meetings and a bunch of misleading "analysis", not to mention most "representatives" represent the wilder-nuts

i've spent many trip to D.C. going from office to office trying to speak intelligently to these people (of both parties), they have their marching orders before they get in office, we will not change that without putting SIGNIFICANT opposition in their faces, by that i mean like Citizens are stopping this "death care" proposal and stalled the "cap-n-trade" tax

if it don't impact their re-election, THEY DO NOT CARE

So how do we make them care?

Polis' page is all talking points, most of which are lies; global warming caused the beatles and coming forest fires & storms.

He has the stated intention of making as much wilderness as possible, but "protect these forests while never forgetting the people that live on their boundaries and enjoy recreating in them"

See if he will forget us...

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new website...help us fight

Polis' page is all talking points, most of which are lies; global warming caused the beatles and coming forest fires & storms.

He has the stated intention of making as much wilderness as possible, but "protect these forests while never forgetting the people that live on their boundaries and enjoy recreating in them"

See if he will forget us...


Today I sent a letter to Polis. Within two hours I got a call from someone in his office. That person has asked me to sit down and talk with Susan Kincade, the representative for Hidden Gems in Eagle County. I'll agree that it will be difficult to pursuade politicians to kill this movement, but proposing a better plan or convincing enough locals that this plan is not in the best interest of the community is a good start. We need as many people as possible to get "their" attention.
has anyone ever proposed an alliance/partnership with the mtn bike community to combat these efforts? I don't really know if they (mtn bikers) organize or whatever but it seems like they stand as much to lose as we but would represent a larger more "green" demographic then sledders. Strength in numbers plus a more marketable outdoor sport front end for the puppets (politicians) to support.. spit balling...
So, they really think they can get this done in months??????
How the heck, are they planning to do this? Do they have a rider on an omni-bus bill or something?


1. Introduction of the bill by a member of Congress (usually at the request of several citizen organizations).
2. Referral of the bill to the proper committee, either the House Agriculture Committee or to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee, according to where the bill was introduced.
3. Review of the bill by committee staff.
4. Public hearing at Washington, D.C., held by the committee.
5. Review of hearing testimony by committee staff.
6. "Mark-up" session by the committee at which the committee makes any changes it wants in the language of the bill and then votes whether or not to "report out" the bill, i.e., whether to send it to the full House or Senate for Vote.
7. Debate and vote on the committee's bill on the floor of the House or the Senate (as the case may be).
8. If the bill is passed, then it is sent to the other body of the Congress where it is subject to Steps 2 through 7 again.
9. If the other or second body passes a bill identical to the wording of the bill passed by the first body, then the bill is considered "enacted" and is sent to the President for his signature, which makes the bill a law. Of course the President has the right to veto any act if he wishes. This kills it unless the veto is later over-ridden by a two-thirds majority vote in each body of the Congress.
10. If the bill as passed by the two bodies is not identical in wording, then it is referred to a joint House and Senate conference committee, whose job it is to compromise the differences and agree on some identical language. Then the joint committee's "conference report" is sent to the two bodies, each of which then votes whether to accept the "conference report". If both vote to accept the "conference report", the bill is thereby "enacted" and goes to the President for signing into law.
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