There are not lodges with cabins you can ride from on Rabbit Ears / Buffalo pass, at least to my knowledge. You have to trailer in from either Walden, Steamboat Springs, or Kremmling. The night life in Walden or Kremmling is pretty much non-existant, there are like two bars in Kremmling and I'm not sure about Walden. Steam Boat there is an awful lot more for night life.
Since it appears you'd be coming from far away, I'd actually recommend hitting up Hahn's Peak Roadhouse for a few nights and riding the northern part of the Routt nat. forest ... You can ride right out of the lodge there and they have a full bar, guide services, all that jazz. A lot less people up there than RE/Buff and more terrain to ride as well.
I would consider something like this .... Drive in, Stay in Kremmling the first night, ride Re/Buff the next day. Head to Steamboat to partake in night life. Ride RE/Buff from steamboat as many times as you want.
Head north through Walden to Saratoga Wy and hit up the snowies from the west side for a day on the way home ... north to I80, then head back east ... At least do this if you don't hit up hahn's peak.
If i was coming from as far away as minnesota I'd want to ride more than just RE for the time and $$$ the trip would cost me, I'll put it that way.