Well pipe sensor came out yes I joined the club.
Then bam go to start sled nothing, pulled again nothing.
Grabbed a hand full of throttle she fired up like the old days when they flooded. Bizarre yes
Took to dealer absolutely no power won't start won't won't start.
They finally get it to turn over by wiggling wires by dess.
Back to the mountain.
Runs all day. Very end of the day bam won't start again.
I pulled a bunch , repeat above full throttle won't start.
Tow it out. Pull ramp on sled deck, grab it full throttle it started. Just seeing if anyone else maybe experienced this issue????
Then bam go to start sled nothing, pulled again nothing.
Grabbed a hand full of throttle she fired up like the old days when they flooded. Bizarre yes
Took to dealer absolutely no power won't start won't won't start.
They finally get it to turn over by wiggling wires by dess.
Back to the mountain.
Runs all day. Very end of the day bam won't start again.
I pulled a bunch , repeat above full throttle won't start.
Tow it out. Pull ramp on sled deck, grab it full throttle it started. Just seeing if anyone else maybe experienced this issue????