Couple of other places. Go south about 20 miles out of Pinedale to the Irish Canyon parking area. Head up there. You will go up 4000 ft in elevation until you are on top of the Wind River Range. Some serious boondocking. Right now though, there might not be enough snow on the lower trail from the parking lot up. Go far enough up and over, and you end up in Sinks Canyon at Lander WY. Very very cool area on top.
Second, go north out of Pinedale 8 miles and take a right towards Cora, WY. Go about 15 miles till the road ends at the trailhead. Take the trail about 3-4 miles in until the N trail goes straight and the CD trail goes right. Take the CD trail about 200 yards until it starts going to the right. You will see a big hill in front of you. Go straight to this hill instead of following the CD trail. Head up this hill and follow the one track trough some trees and a few gullies. It will open up into a massive area of bowls, powder fields and gullies. Great area.
Horse Creek is another option. I don't necessaarily consider it advanced riding, but it is has some very advanced areas and features. Make sure you know where the trail is as it is a HUGE area and you can get turned around pretty easily. I have some guys heading down there tomorrow and can give a report.
All the areas mentioned have groomed trails. Also, on the Cora, CD, N trail, it is worth a ride up the N trail to Green river Lakes. One of the most beautiful places in Wyoming. Great place to have lunch.
Oh yeah, at the trail head in Cora, another decent area is to take the N trail right out of the parking lot to the right. You will immediatly go up. It has some decent Boondocking on top before you drop back down into the CD trail.
Pinedale, IMO, is one of the least known about and underated riding areas out here. It has some of the best riding not only in Wyoming, but the west, if you know where to go. PM me if you want to talk, and I will send my phone number.
Also, if you do not want the 2 night stay prize, I am more that willing to take it off your hands.....