Anyone have a pic of the Skinz Float plate installed on their sled? I've also read that some are modifying/trimming so the a-arms don't hold as much snow. I'm thinking of adding this to my summer project('13 SBA)
This is about the only photo I have right now. I can go out to the shop and take more later today, maybe a side shot would help. My plate isn't cut out to accommodate the a-arm area. Assuming that is your area of concern with snow build up. I have no issues with snow building in mine. Keep in mind, once I'm done riding for the weekend and come home, it's typically fairly warm and my sled is melted off in a day or two.
For some one who's sled never thaws out until spring, there is the possibility snow/ice build up in certain areas on the float plate. Is it worth worrying about and cutting up the float plate, I'm not sure.......
Sorry no pics I installed it day one, well after Skinz finally got it together I should say!
Never noticed any build up issues and really like the coverage! Way better than the Polaris option.