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PG boondocker Cuts out

Riding my 10 cat, all day long, runs just fine, last little of of riding, when i was on full boost - let off the throttle and go to hit it again, its like it fuel cuts or something along the lines. My first thought is that there was something wrong with the TBS. It has done this before and I took it home couldnt find any problem road it the next weekend and runs just fine.

I thought maybe reeds - but it runs fine the next time out, also notice that my idle is a lil weird, making me think reeds.

Or something is getting wet.

Anybody have and issue like this?
Cuts out

Had same issue with my 11 cutler turbo last year. Would randomly cut out later in the day.
I took my throttle block apart and disconnected throttle safety switch, have never had the problem since.
I think that snow gets in there over the course of the day and creates moisture
Hopefully that helps worked for me
Be sure to wear a teather if you disconnect it

Similar but different on mine. Feels like tps but not. Barely wants to idle and when you pick up throttle off idle it dies. A couple times you could blurp throttle past idle speed right when you started it and it ran fine up IN THE RPM range. Makes no sense!

Had this problem with mine and tried everything. Then called Jared at boondocker and went over my numbers with him. I was way to lean on midrange and what was happening is when I would come off of the throttle it would lean completely out and almost go to idle. Changed the numbers and no more problems. Based on what you are telling me I would say that you should add some gas to your mid-range to see if it clears up your problem. Good luck. I changed buy TPS also with this issue first and didn't help at all.
I dont think it can be my numbers, i have been running these number for two years with no problems. I road it all day long and only at the end of the day it started doing the cut out. The throttle block seems to make perfect sense. Kinda like the old polaris's did when that lil pin by the throttle would act up.

Just curious tho what are you running for numbers? I called boondocker last year when it did this and they had no idea what to tell me.
Throttle block

There are 4 little torx bolts (can't remember what size) that hold the throttle block together.
Take them out, if I recall there are 2 more little torx bolts inside that hold down the wires.
Take them out, then there will be 2 plugs, 1 for your tss and 1 for your kill switch.
I unplugged both my tss and my kill switch. (Hit kill switch a few times while climbing talk about yard sale)
If you only wanna unplug your tss unplug that one and re assemble throttle block.
It's easy to try and eliminate that if that's your problem
I would recommend wearing a teather if you disconnect it. Wear mine all the time just in case.

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