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Peta wants to change the name of Spearfish High School

Heard about this on the radio today and had to share with you guys. I used to live on the WY SD border not too far from Spearfish. These PETA people are insane!:eek: I checked for the article on their website and couldn't believe what I found. Plus people are paying money towards this campaign. Crazy stuff.:beer;

PETA: Spearfish school should be called Sea Kitten
Jan 9, 2009

SPEARFISH, S.D. (AP) — The activist animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked school officials to change the name of Spearfish High School to "Sea Kitten High School." The new name would "reflect the gentle nature of its current marine namesake," the organization said in a letter to Steve Morford, Spearfish High School principal.

PETA said the letter is part of a new Sea Kitten campaign aimed at children.

If children were taught to refer to fish as "sea kittens," reflecting that fish, like cats and dogs, are "individuals" that "do have friendships," fewer fish might be killed for food or sport, said Pulin Modi, a PETA spokesman.

"We want people to realize that more fish are killed each year than all animals combined," he said. "They don't have the sympathy of more popular animals like cats and dogs."

Morford said he did not want to share his feelings about PETA. "Obviously, it's nothing we're taking seriously," he said.
Man these PETA folks are on some really good drugs. How do they survive in the real world? How do they make a living? Wait a minute, Sounds familar, I bet Obama will find a place for them and a paycheck that they can survive on:mad:
thats whack my gf is from spearfish and i got a few friends from there. PETA bastards why dont they get a life instead of looking for non-ethical town names. They would be pissed if they heard some of the names on the indian reservations.
yea that will never pass. to many meat eaters in these parts. id love to take a peta guy hunting sometime. who knows theyd probably enjoy it.
Spearfish High School name is the Spartans correct? If that is correct can someone please tell me what that has to do with PETA or animals:confused:
Maybe they mean instead of spearfish spartans they should be named seakitten spartans but don't you think they would want the city of spearfish to change it's name, bunch of retards that were seriously picked on in highschool, or have a special laced peta bread they eat daily lol
Maybe they mean instead of spearfish spartans they should be named seakitten spartans but don't you think they would want the city of spearfish to change it's name, bunch of retards that were seriously picked on in highschool, or have a special laced peta bread they eat daily lol

Correct. PETA is offended by the word fish because of number of fish that are killed every year for eating. They also posed the same question in Whitefish, MT.
ya pretty funny.. there is quite a few articles in the local papers about it.. pretty funny... i say change their name to spearfish killers.. and change the logo to a dead trout.. :D
better yet a statue of a guy holding a spear with a dead trout on the end of it. right along the interstate.
Heard about this on the radio today and had to share with you guys. I used to live on the WY SD border not too far from Spearfish. These PETA people are insane!:eek: I checked for the article on their website and couldn't believe what I found. Plus people are paying money towards this campaign. Crazy stuff.:beer;

PETA: Spearfish school should be called Sea Kitten
Jan 9, 2009

SPEARFISH, S.D. (AP) — The activist animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked school officials to change the name of Spearfish High School to "Sea Kitten High School." The new name would "reflect the gentle nature of its current marine namesake," the organization said in a letter to Steve Morford, Spearfish High School principal.

PETA said the letter is part of a new Sea Kitten campaign aimed at children.

If children were taught to refer to fish as "sea kittens," reflecting that fish, like cats and dogs, are "individuals" that "do have friendships," fewer fish might be killed for food or sport, said Pulin Modi, a PETA spokesman.

"We want people to realize that more fish are killed each year than all animals combined," he said. "They don't have the sympathy of more popular animals like cats and dogs."

Morford said he did not want to share his feelings about PETA. "Obviously, it's nothing we're taking seriously," he said.
I would prohibit renaming anything. This violates the history and naming of things in history.
Heard about this on the radio today and had to share with you guys. I used to live on the WY SD border not too far from Spearfish. These PETA people are insane!:eek: I checked for the article on their website and couldn't believe what I found. Plus people are paying money towards this campaign. Crazy stuff.:beer;

PETA: Spearfish school should be called Sea Kitten
Jan 9, 2009

SPEARFISH, S.D. (AP) — The activist animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked school officials to change the name of Spearfish High School to "Sea Kitten High School." The new name would "reflect the gentle nature of its current marine namesake," the organization said in a letter to Steve Morford, Spearfish High School principal.

PETA said the letter is part of a new Sea Kitten campaign aimed at children.

If children were taught to refer to fish as "sea kittens," reflecting that fish, like cats and dogs, are "individuals" that "do have friendships," fewer fish might be killed for food or sport, said Pulin Modi, a PETA spokesman. Of course, you can rename schools. But I'm not very happy about it. It's like taking and renaming the Colosseum or the Eiffel Tower. This is where the story lies. I recently paid for homework on exactly this topic, used https://ca.edubirdie.com/pay-for-homework for this. At the lecture I read out everything I thought about this and the majority agreed with me. Imagine how cool it would be if in 1000 years, the name of the school, for example, “Anchor”, would remain the same. Wow, I'm getting goosebumps.

"We want people to realize that more fish are killed each year than all animals combined," he said. "They don't have the sympathy of more popular animals like cats and dogs."

Morford said he did not want to share his feelings about PETA. "Obviously, it's nothing we're taking seriously," he said.
I forgot to say, especially since the name is not suitable at all in my opinion!
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