The entire thing is 2x4 construction.
I built it in 3 sections, mainly because I'm a fan of desinging as I build (lol)
First: 10' x 4'
Second: 7 x 4'
Third: 12 x 3' 46 1/2" (I had to set the ramp section off the wall by 1.5" to get around my air and telecommunications lines)
Total length is 29ft.
Everything is sheeted in 7/16 OSB. I primed and painted everything before cutting which took FOR FRIGGEN EVER. I used joist hangers, corner braces etc. I used 3 - 6" strap hinges for the main pivot point that I lagged into beefed up sections so as to not pull them out.
Gussets are 5" in length and cut on 45s. I used 1/2" rod in 6ft lengths from Home Depot. I made the brackets for the roof and rails myself (first time welding since high school!)
There is a header for the weight to sit on that's been lagged into the wall, and the top frame sections are screwed in. The gusset header on the wall is 2x6 to distribute the weight between studs.
I used 3 tracks to put down for traction. The last one hangs off the end so I get some traction when the sled is on the concrete. I can barely get the shorties to fit between the back wall and the ramp, so the long one should be fun to watch
If anyone has questions, let me know. It was a fun project but I'm glad it's done.