Vail is over-crowded, parking is tiny and you HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! It's clogged with enviro-nazis and twig fairies. Lodging will easily cost you upwards of $250/night and dining, well, if you don't eat fast food, 30-40/night just for food, drinks will bankrupt you.
I have never ridden the Grand Mesa, I have heard very wonderful things and seen some sweet photos and vids. We plan on riding there if the snow is good this season. There are many other different possibilities that are around. You can call Steamboat Lake Outfitters and check with them. We had a large ride there and lodging was pretty decent, they have their own bar and diner, but I would pack your own fuel. Before Xmas is generally a great time to break in a sled or break a sled, your choice. Bug is right, the snow may be deep after a dump but the base is not primed and 36" of fresh will not protect you against a 24" stump or rock. Wait till after the New Year when lodging is cheaper and more available. You can try SOCO, Dizz knows that area very well and has impressed us with his photos and vids. I don't know about lodging but he could help you. Rabbit Ears/Buff Pass has excellent riding but you have to trailer either way 20-30 minutes. Parking can be a b*tch. Lodging is Steamboat is pricey but you can chase ski-bunny tail in the bars when the sun goes down. Dining isn't that expensive. Lodging in Kremmling is cheap compared to either Steamboat or Vail/Summit County but I can guarantee you, there will be no tail chasing, the legal tail you don't want. LMAO! Most guys I know that stay in Kremmling, get home, shower, eat, have a couple brews and go to the room and play on the internets or sleep.
Hope that this helps you. Good luck.