Im starting a 2nd sled build and have a few questions. First off this will be a 2nd sled. I already have the big hp apex and love it. Im wanting a 2nd sled to have in case friends that dont have sleds or if theres breaks can borrow one. Also i can use it for when the snow is not stupid deep. Im really looking at 180hp kit but im kinda scared that the 180hp might not quite be enough. Id like to keep it a pump gas kit as my Apex is full race. I want it to still be managable to ride for those not used to riding boosted sleds but i still want to be able to hop on it and ride it and not wish that i would have went with a little more hp. SO after a long rant. Im wanting opinions from others that normally ride 240hp+ kits that have had the oppurtunity to ride a 180hp kit. Would you be ok riding the 180 kit on days where the snow is not the greatest?