yep rabbit ears is way better
*cough* is not!
I think for 7 days, theres probably more ground to cover in Snowies... knowing both places fairly well.
Im still learning Ears, but have started to get it figured out pretty well.. At least the Buff Pass side of things.
Unless your are willing to make a drive or long ride, to get to the southern part of the Ears, you may end up feeling like your riding the same area a lot.. Of course if theres some DEEEEP, thats no wont get far anyway.
I've ridden Snowy Range for ~10 years, and even tho we've covered most of everything, and know of some good caches to hit (depending on time of year), theres still a lot of different areas and terrain to play in. And honestly, a good trail system...but for some (me) too much trail to get 'in and out'.
What my folks (from MN) did last year was come out to Ears for 3? days and then drove up to Snowies for a few days as well. Ears/Buff Pass happened to be sick (DEEP)...and I didn't wanna leave.
But that may be an option for you guys to try it out (maybe not an option depending on # of people and rigs, etc). Its only a couple hour drive if its icey/snowy..the worst part is the Pass from Walden to Laramie, then its smooth sailin, or as smooth as it ever is in WY.
My bad, Ollie already beat me to the try both idea.