here is something i am a little confused by. 09 D8 163 68 gram mtx weights with 2 grams in the tip. sled pulled about 8150 8250 on hard pack trail, in deep snow seemed to be fairly consistenly pulling 8100. i want it to pull about 8250 to 8350 on hard pack and pull down to 8150 8250 in the deep stuff so i tried the 1 gram weights in the tip. results kinda confused me. rpms may have dropped slightly hard to tell for sure the snow conditions were diffrent this week then last week but seemed to only pull 8050 8150 in the soft stuff. was wondering if maybe these weights are diffrent and maybe slightly more tip weight will net higher rpms? what you all think, should i go back to the 2 gram or should i try maybe the 3 gram weights in the tip? or should i just try the 1 gram one more time? or should i try no weights?? any thoughts would be great!!!