Boy there must be a big difference in the smell of the VES Gold to the old Gold Synthetic that I used to run. That stuff smelled like someone was smokin skunk weed.
Used to run Klotz in a non valve motor. That stuff is way slippery and kinda sticky too so I could see how it might gum up the valves.
Running Amsoil Dominator right now until I run out of it and build my new motor with Indy Dan's bottom end, then it's back to a mineral oil.
Used to run Klotz in a non valve motor. That stuff is way slippery and kinda sticky too so I could see how it might gum up the valves.
Running Amsoil Dominator right now until I run out of it and build my new motor with Indy Dan's bottom end, then it's back to a mineral oil.