The lower your altitude the higher your octane needs to be.
That is why if you buy gas for your car at sea level the octane of the lowest grade gasoline will be at least 89 but where we live at 4500 ft our lowest level octane is 85.
So if you are running 10lbs boost at sea level you probably need 100 av gas or maybe even race gas 110 octane.
But where we ride at 8-10,00 ft. we can run 20 lbs with 110 race gas.
Also: As mentioned by TurboT your engines compression is a vital factor. The higher the compression ratio the higher your octane needs to be, then add boost and it becomes even more critical.
You need to contact the person that built the sled and find out if it has low compression pistons, head shim, etc. Then call Alpine and tell them what elevation you ride at and how many pounds of boost you want to run.