Also a point to mention...
100LL has a MON rating of about 103/104
110 Race has a MON of 106/107.
Race has more lead in it.
Premium pump (usually 91 R+M/2) has a MON of around 87/88.
So... If you are shooting for 91 or so MON then you would need around 3 gallons of 100LL plus 8.5 gallons of pump premium.
Here's a decent Octane/Mix calculator.
100LL has a MON rating of about 103/104
110 Race has a MON of 106/107.
Race has more lead in it.
Premium pump (usually 91 R+M/2) has a MON of around 87/88.
So... If you are shooting for 91 or so MON then you would need around 3 gallons of 100LL plus 8.5 gallons of pump premium.
Here's a decent Octane/Mix calculator.