The country is dead broke and Bo keeps spending money by the trillions, crude oil is hovering at 81 dollars a bbl, Bo's folks are setting pay scales at private corporations. he says we are no longer a christian country, he is going to bring Gitmo terrorists here whether we want them or not, he doesn't want to fight the terrorist in Afghanistan any more, He will do away with the Bush Tax cuts, he will tax us with healthcare and cap and trade whether we want it or not. He spent 5 billion dollars on flu vaccine and we don't have enough, he is about to take over the internet, he is trying to pass a bill that will lead to taking our guns away, he wants to take away talk radio and Fox News. I haven't scratched the surface yet. Hell we have all been had not just Obama voters. Next will be the Gulags. We are on the verge of losing this country that we love!!!!
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