Obama is closer to the Socialistic ideals than our last president is. His ideas only work until the checks are required from us. 2012 will swing the pendulum.
I would guess that the voters need to draw a line on how much Socialism is too much Socialism then?
IMO too much Socialism isnt really the Health care deal as much for me as it is the banks, the car companies, the AIG's, Etc..Etc...
I just dont buy into the whole too big to fail stance.
On the flipside I also do not buy into having guys like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck controlling or influencing in any way shape or form what the GOP should stand for or abide by....Hence I often get into conlicts here due to my Anti-Spin approach to the issues at hand.
The Tea-Partier approach will fail horrifically if thats the idea for 2012....It will be picked apart and shown as the hate mongering wierdness that is truly is. That could cost the GOP big in 2012.