Axys bogs less than about any other sled. Makes sure you are cleaning off air intake, but might want to look at clutching. Deep snow may be bringing down the revs. I know mine was running great, but in deep heavy snow, my revs were down. put in 2 grams lighter and next deep day was much better!
I was in some epic snow coming over the hood for several days. Came home and sled sat for a couple weeks. Went up north to some semi epic snow and sled would not go past quarter throttle. Thought maybe TPS or relay. Swapped out relays no change. Brought to dealer as still under warranty and they said the air box was full of ice? Now i need to figure out how that happened as they had no idea?
I've had the same issue on all 3 Axyx sleds I've owned when it's truly over the hood powder. My pro ride sleds were better. If you constantly wipe the vents it helps. I just put the SLP kit on which basically doubles the opening. Hope to try it this weekend. I'll let you know how I'd does. Btw the SLP kit is pretty pricey for what it is. I'd probably just get some frog skins if I were to do it again.