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No business with these co's that support eliminating snowmobile use!

Feb 12, 2008
I just E-mail Keen and New Belgium asking them to pull there support for this extreme organization. We should get a bunch of sledders to do the same.
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
I think the KEEN adds should be pulled from the website. Why promote a product that has ideals to stop activites this web forum is specifically for. Guess we will see if money talks on this one.

how much do they pay for that keen ad??? i bet we could raise enough money from the guys and gals on here to remove that add and post a add that list these tree hugging companys. although, it would have to say something like "THEY SUCK" or something of the sort :face-icon-small-ton
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Monument, CO
Thanks for the listing...I will be more conscious of the things I am buying now!!!

EDIT: Everytime I see some tree hugging hippy wearing a North Fact jacket I want to punch them in the face...and there are sooooooooooo many of them down here in the big city:( They're everywhere...
Nov 26, 2007
coeur dalene, idaho
I wouldn't be surprised if cabelas is pro wilderness. A lot of hunting companies are. It is truly hard to find a company that believes in everything you do. The Rocky mountain elk foundation used to be pretty pro wilderness, but I love elk and elk hunting.

It does get to be truly hard to vote with your dollar, when the goods are very good. I am a river runner who likes clean rivers, but most of the river organizations are big time environmentalist. Makes for some interesting conversations in the summer with my river running buds and my mountain biking buds.
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Jan 31, 2006
Kremmling, Colorado
I sent them a little letter:

I have just one question. What gives you the right to say who can and how they can enjoy public lands. Afterall, they are public. WE ALL pay taxes to help manage them. OHV users also pay an annual fee to use them legally. That fee also includes money that goes to SAR.

Last I checked, hikers, bikers, skiers, snowshoers DO NOT pay a fee and when they end up having the worst day and need SAR who pays for that? I know that the victim of the accident is supposed to but more often than not he/she does not or cannot pay. So who does? OHV users do. Do you know that most SAR volunteers are avid snowmobilers and they use their own sled(s) when needing to rescue someone?

Around here, in Colorado we have groups that go out to clean up debris that is left behind when the snow melts. We also have groups of riders (snowmobilers and dirtbikers) that go out and fix, rehabilitate and maintain erosion on the singletrack trail systems. The very same single track this enjoyed by mt. bikers. In the last 5 years I have NEVER seen a hiker or mt. biker humping a chainsaw in to clear deadfall on a trail that is miles long. I have never seen one haul bricks, pavers or treated logs in to fix a washout along a trail.

I know more irresponsible hikers, hunters, "quiet" enthusiasts than I know of sledders and dirtbikers combined.

Imagine how you would feel if a "special interest" group was greasing the palms of politicians to keep you away from PUBLIC land, even though, as an American you have a right to enjoy. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

You don't have to respond, because I find it highly unlikely that you can without throwing misguided and outdated facts or just being plain mean and nasty with name calling.


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Are Mountain House dehydrated food products on there?


Scott Stiegler
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
I have had no problems with my KLIM gear which far surpasses North Face. I get packs by companies that support the snowmobile industry(BCA and many others). Mike Duffy

Mike, does KLIM still use goretex?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Jordan, Utah
Gortex is missing from that list...

They support the Conservation Alliance which in turn grants money to the WWA.

SO if your buying gortex products your are supporting the closing of your riding areas.


What are you really trying to say.....lol

Its a dam shame Northface has to do that crap cuz their backpacks and fleeces are unmatched in durability and design.

Its sad to see how many college kids my age think North Face is cool. What a bunch of losers

Northface and Nike are very similar, they started out making great stuff but now just sale complete and utter crap with a name on it. Luckly I haven't purchased either brands in a very long time.

Anybody notice Black Diamond had a booth at the Utah snow show...WTH. I didn't have it in me to go talk to the poor guy. They are VERY opposed to motorized use on public land.


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Dec 15, 2008
These so called conservationist that cross country ski , snowshoe, etc. Use groomed snowmobile trails to access the back country. Without these trails they would never venture into the back country. So if anything these azz clowns need to be thanking us for the trail systems that we provide.
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SnoWest Sponsor
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Nov 27, 2007
Gortex is missing from that list...

They support the Conservation Alliance which in turn grants money to the WWA.

SO if your buying gortex products your are supporting the closing of your riding areas.

I have been working with the guys from Gore for nearly 14 years now. Within these fourteen years there has been a lot of work transpire, but we have also enjoyed many motorcycle and snowmobile rides. These people are passionate outdoor enthusiasts of different varieties. For example our account rep chooses to enjoy the outdoors with his Land Cruiser, others hunt, and some ride motorcycles. Gore holds the position that people should be able to go out and enjoy the outdoors as they see fit and stay dry while doing it. They see limiting access to different groups as a detriment and not an advantage. If you look at it closely they are one of the few companies from the outdoor industry that have contributed to organizations within our sport such as the AMA and the Blue Ribbon Coalition. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Aug 18, 2010
Motorfist doesn't. :D

No, Motorfist uses eVent. The same stuff REI uses. REI is a major contributor of land closures so if you buy Motorfist you're supporting land closures.

Actually, Gore-Tex, eVent, DuPont, and all makers of waterproof breathable membranes sell product to all outdoor apparel manufactures on both sides of the land use issue including the PU sprays used by FXR and HMK. All snowmobile apparel companies use products also used by other outdoor use groups who support land closures. At least when you buy snowmobile specific gear such as Klim you're directly supporting a company who invests a lot of money into protecting our riding areas.


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Oct 15, 2011
southwest wisconsin

The hard proof on how these companies feel about us snowmobilers
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