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No bites...

So I'm trying to sell my sled on clist and aklist and have had no responces yet.

Can I get an honost (possibly brutal) opinion on what you guys think I could ever sell this thing for?


I see comparable sleds on there for lots more so I dont get it. I know it doesnt have a huge engine or a long track or anything.. but what it does have would be great for someone... right? lol I got a kid on the way and I'm just trying to get rid of that monthly payment+insurance.

Your price is right there at book value according to NADA.com(low $3500 high 4700). The title to the ad is a little bit misleading as it says 600, when its actually a 500SS. Sled looks like its in great shape but I see two problems with the sled.

1. Engine size, not a huge market for that displacement up here. (Piston Displacement (CCs): 553)

2. Track size, there is a market for that, but paired with that motor it won't be hard to get in trouble.

At the end of the day, if your not in a huge hurry to sell it, you may get your asking price, as the sled looks as if it is in great shape, and has been well taken care of. As the snow accumulates, more people will be thinking about riding.

If the price were lower it might appeal to the REV chassis lovers, as they can drop a larger motor in and/or put a rail extension on it to make it a 136.

Best of luck,

- Travis
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The 500ss does have a 600cc engine, it is skidoo's small block 598cc motor that was replaced by the 600HO for the 600 class. They called it a 500ss because they produced the 500ss and the 600ho at the same time and wanted a way to differentiate between the two.
Seems some what reasonable for this time of year, but expect to see everything that doesn't sell in the next month drop $1000 if the seller is serious about wanting it gone. If you only had 1 call and want it gone drop the price $500 and take the best offer.
That is going to be hard to sell at the high end of book value because it is not a popular style sled for back country/mountain riding. Craigslist and Alaskaslist are full of overpriced sleds, if someone is serious about selling their sled they need to be brutally honest with pricing that will sell it. I sold my old 2000 RMK 700 in two days on Craigslist last month. It was priced to sell, not to make money. Drop the price and see if you get more interest.
Throw the windshield back on it, it looks like its in decent shape, but everytime I see a sled for sale with no windshield, makes me think its a wanna be who watches too much slednecks. JMO
I would think that you would have to sell it for no more then $3500. It doesnt have the 600 H.O., or a long track which is desirable in the Alaska market. I know of people who just sold 04-05 Summit 800's with low miles for $3500 and $4000. As for your windshield- Keep it off, that sleds best market is going to be a younger person wanting a cool looking sled, and its a very nice looking sled as is. Either way, good luck.
i think you should keep it on craigs list and put that you will pay half for shipping to bush or other remote locations witch is usually 600 bucks lots of other alaskans will be getting there check in the mail soon so just wait it will sell
good luck
Throw the windshield back on it, it looks like its in decent shape, but everytime I see a sled for sale with no windshield, makes me think its a wanna be who watches too much slednecks. JMO
What he said... When I'm shopping for a sled the "stocker the better", put the windshield and stock shocks back on. When the snows hit you'll get some hits,be patient...... When you do sell and if you have to cut the price a bit you'll have those shocks to sell to make up your shortfall..good luck:beer;
At least it is now way overpriced as a few others on there. . . But put the windshield back on, lower the bars and it will sell quicker. As said above looks like a wannabe racer/sledneck rider's sled. Have a cousin that would buy it for $3500 during AFN.
Thanks guys for all the input. I really dont wanna go below 3,800 cause I still owe about 2500 on it and I just put $2000 into it last fall with the shocks and track, not that any buyer would care lol.. The whole riser/no windshield thing I just happen to prefer cause its easier to stand up and the windshield doesnt get in the way.. didnt actually consider someone would rather have the stock but I was giving all the stock stuff with it anyway.

I'll just keep it on there for another couple weeks any maybe drop it to 4,000 when the snow flies... but like I said, any lower than that and I might as well just keep the thing.
Something I would do if it were me is not write on the ad what it cannot do as that is perceived to be a negative. Write your ad telling your prospective buyers what the machine is good at and how it wasn't abused like most sleds of this type. Most people looking at your ad will figure out what kind of riding your sled is desgned for and maybe you could sell a few things and put an ultra low windshield on it too. Your sled looks good, it should go quick once the wite stuff is on the ground. Good luck with your sale.
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Too early to sell sleds, the snow flies and everyone is ready to buy. Also you get about $.10 on the dollar for mods on your sled (or anything else for that matter) when you sell it. Pull the shocks and riser and sell them seperate. At least then you can get $.50 on the dollar.
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