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New sno park in Central Oregon Kapka Butte

I have sat in Greg Walden’s Office many times over this issue with Rick, the entire board of Moon Country Snowmobilers, Dutchman Task Force, and the support of Ben both monetarily and on the forum. Ben was one of the first to donate proceeds from sled films to Moon Country Snowmobilers which we have used over the years for legal advise and items related to fighting Kapka Butte Snow Park.

I am glad to see you get involved however, for us that have worked for years and have stopped this snow park from being built to date find it a bit crappy you come here and unload on us about not doing enough. Where were you ten years ago. Same old story. People don’t want to get involved until it's gone then they want to tell the world what a bad job someone else did.
I posted info on Sled Space a few days ago about a snowmobile trail being closed to motorized use in or area. Guess what....you haven’t commented on my post. When you see the CLOSED sign go up you can bet the folks will be telling the world how lazy we are for not informing you like we should have. How many SAWS alerts have you responded to? You do realize that all of us do NOT get paid a dime for our efforts. As a matter of fact we all have donated many dollars of our own for the cause. OSSA gets paid with our state gas tax dollars via a contract from ODOT and they spend almost nothing to fight any land use issues. The FS closes a trail and they (OSSA) still didn’t do anything about it.

Thanks go out to SAWS, Ben / Sled Films, Rick / ExpandDutchman.com, Dutchman Task Force, Moon Country Snowmobile Club, and all the people who did take action to write letters and sign petitions. We would much rather see you join us with some input rather than sit on the outside and tear down all the work that so many have done for YOU in the past.

Please come and get involved with us. This is a fight that will never stop. We look forward to your positive input.
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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
I would love to get involved but don't know what I can do or where to start. I grew up on Moon Mt., I'll be damned if I let it go without a fight.
Check out http://www.expanddutchman.com there is some info on what we have been up to in the last few years. Contact OSSA and demand they spend your tax dollars to protect your riding areas. Make sure you are a member of SAWS, it's free and we have no excuse not to be on their mailing list. Give the FS a call or email them with your thoughts. Call the Bend Bulletin and tell them what you think about Kapka. 1000 users of the area sign a petition saying NO to Kapka and the FS say Yes because OSSA wants a snow park that is to low in elevation to be of any good to anyone except in the middle of the season. The FS has a plan “IMO” that will include the closure to motorized at Dutchman Snow Park after Kakpa is built. I have a copy of the letter from OSSA stating they are willing to give up Dutchman for Kapka. Your tax dollars at work.
Go online and look up OSSA's tax returns and see where they spend your money. The land use column is a very small if non existent number.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2002
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
OS' rant here is a great example of why those of us involved in the fight...since the beginning of an issue....get so burned out! There have been a lot of sledders involved in opposing Kapka for YEARS!!! Myself included. To what avail? Ummmm....a lot nothing from the USFS, public leaders and pointless rage from other sledders who FINALLY think they have the answer and then take it to the forums to bash those of us that have spent time and money volunteering to keep lands open for motorized access.

I don't know who you are Larry, but it is surprising to me that you live in Bend, ride at Bachelor and haven't been informed or involved in all this Kapka bullsh!t until now. You have no one to blame but yourself. Don't blame other sledding organizations for what you perceive as inaction on their part. Perception isn't your strongest asset if you didn't figure this out until when? The fall of 2012! It's been in the works since 2004.

We welcome to you step up to the plate now and do your part! Like I said, many of us are burning out. We ALWAYS need more bodies, more voices, more unity!! It would be appreciated if you could lead by example and promote the message, help evangelize the story. However, the building of Kapka is going to happen and there is nothing we can do about it now. But, the fight is not over! Your riding areas are a hotbed of "conflict" and never-ending land use battles. They are gunning for Tumalo next. Stay aware and stay involved. Your voice WILL matter.

Edit....and for full disclosure here, I have been an Oregon SAWS Rep since 2006, as well as the organization's secretary. In addition to being an off-road/sledding industry business owner.
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Now there's a lady who I am proud to call a friend. Hit a home run with that comment. I was at the Forest Circus yesterday with a group of snowmobilers having a meeting about some issues. Everyday things change and we get bumped just a bit more.
On a Bend, OR local forum I mentioned about a string of CLOSED TO MOTORIZED signs that have been stuck in our face at Tumalo mountain. Only a couple even responded and I didn't see any new people asking to help fight the issue.
There is a NEW Forest Circus sign that just got put up at Vista snow park and it has a picture of a skier ONLY on it. Hello folks, guess what is coming soon for this snow park.
There is a new sign on the Wanoga shelter stating that someone else built the shelter with the help of the Forest Circus rather than the Club that really built it???? WTH What is wrong with the people in this country.
Bottom line is get involved or go buy a bike, Subaru, Thule rack, and learn to hug tree's. It will be the only thing left to do before long.
Thank again OregonGirl for all you have done and continue to do for motorized sports.....your the best!! :)
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