My best advice is that you try them first, to get a feel of them.
I have driven Apex MTX last three seasons and doesent want to drive anything else, if i did i would, last weekend i was driving for the first time with a guy i met this autumn, he drove a Nytro MTX 08 last season and this season he drive a Nytro MTX 09 MCX, he as well as me has done what we believe must be done to the sleds to make them perform up to our standards, this happens gradually, he has wildchild, better boards, extreme track, clutching and so on, i have simmons gen2, extreme track, moved battery from the front (and soon better boards), and @ the end of the day he said: "If i knew when i changed sled what i learned today i would have bought an Apex"! No kidding!
Thats why i say, build your own opinion, this kind of question is like to look at sell statistics, you get more votes on an "fresh" new looking sled, it doesent have to be "better", only diffrent, and because it's diffrent you must try them out, preferbly the same day under the same conditions.
I´m not that big guy either 5,74" and 176lb, and i find the Apex act like a toy in my hands, and if you listen to the buzz it seems as the bigger you are the bigger sled you need, and i can go with that, track flotation vise, not handling vise.