I am a long time Polaris owner and still have two of them but picked up a 800 146 summit sp. Deal was right and I intend on an 872....I like mods. I am very pleased with the fit and finish of the machine but it already needs some work. Brake light does not work. I have noticed that the nose likes to ride significantly lower in snow then my Polaris does. Is this just a natural skidoo tendency? I have attempted to adjust suspension to rid the machine of this problem but no such luck. I live in northern MN so swamps ditches powerlines lakes rivers and occasional trail is my riding scope. I swapped the 2.5 track out for a 1.75 tonight and to me it is an epic pain in the *** compared to a Polaris....This isn't a deal breaker for me just an observation. Instead if the 21/49 I put in a 23/49 as I feel it will have plenty of grunt to run a little more gear especially with a shorter lug track. Obviously this machine and skidoo is very new to me but I cant decide if I like it better then the assault I typically ride. This may sound dumb but I personally find it harder with the narrower stance to hold an edge on a steep hill then it is with my assault. Granted ive had assaults for 5 years and am quite used to them but i automatically assumed the doo would just lay over with the narrow stance. There is a diamond s titanium lite can on the way some quick clickers 413 ramps and some adjustable pins on the way.....872 this summer....any thoughts suggestions?