Looks like it's crunch time and the phone is now ringing so if you want it, better get serious right now. First deposit gets the sled. My friends in Canada's dollar is looking pretty good at the moment.
Our dollar is loosing its as$ the last few days. We've lost 5% in the last week. Hopefully it comes back soon. I just bought a boat down south and its going up in price about $200.00 a day because of the exchange. When I pay for it next week its going to be over $1000.00 more than when I made the deal. Nice sled. Someone will snap it up soon. The snow if flying and the riding will start soon.
Owned an APEX once, if I wanted another, I would just keep the NYTRO, but thanks for the offer. Got another 2 phone calls today and have to return one more yet, I think she will be gone from one of these fellas by this weekend.