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New Metallica Album is for real, welcome back boys



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Creston, BC
I thought the album was awesome. I dont understand what all the complainers are looking for??? Metallica is so huge that no matter what they put out there is always going to be a group that pisses and moans about something. Same as the GnR album. Seems to be alot of wannabe music critics slamming this one too. I thought it was amazing too. JMHO though. :beer;

Sturgis Sledder

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 7, 2003
Sturgis, SD
If you ever went to a show after Cliff and before 94' you would know Jason had a huge roll in their live shows. He was all energy and rocked that stage harder then any of the rest could ever.

As far as the new album. the musics alright, it has it's moments but James voice has got to go. He has lost his edge for sure and it doesn't fit anymore. .02

I got pit passes and backstage passes for them when they were in RC for the Black Album tour, Kirk stood on stage flipping me off cause I wasn't all in black. When I went backstage the punk acted like he had no idea that I remembered that he sat there flipping me the bird the whole show. Jason sat at a table signing crap and asked me to sit down and we bs'd for about 2 hours, we talked about music, the Black Hills, Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood, land prices and realty and a bunch of other stuff. I didn't bug him for pictures or any other crap. He had a Sapporo can that he had just emptied and he took a marker and scratched out Sapporo and in sharpie wrote "Metallibrew" and he went around and got Kirk, Lars and James to sign it as well and gave it to me. He also had them sign my pit pass, backstage pass and got a bunch of guitar picks for me all while I never asked for a thing. He is a classy guy and was really down to earth. Some stoner came up to him and was asking him why he wore earplugs and he said " You can't enjoy the music if you can't hear it."
Nov 27, 2007
Metallica ceased to exist with the release of Justice. That album and everything since should be called Craptallica. How many of you that listen to M and think they are great where even alive when Kill "Em All came out? This new album is just another desperate grab for money. My wifes a dj, we get hundreds of cd's a month to listen to, we scrapped this one before it was even allowed to play again.
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