I am not an authority on any subject much less this one but...... I have been shooting with some friends and family lately and getting ready for some IDPA league comps. So the idea was that each person needed to feel comfortable with their weapon and have some fun. Interestingly I have a Glock 23 that I carry for most situations other than concealed, a little too big for the small of the back carry. Anyway, we have been shooting Kahr's, Kel Tec's, 1911's or knock offs, Rugers, and Glocks. For fun shooting and lots of lead spraying so far we have 3 new pistols to the group, all are Glock 19's. The last purchase was the home defender package Glock 19, comes with 4 mags, Tritium sites, extended slide release, extended mag release, and a tactical light for $650.00. This is my mothers choice of weapon and she shoots it well. In fact everyone seems to shoot the Glock well. Another one is probably going to be added to the family this week.
Anyway, I am not saying it is the right weapon for you or anyone else but you might give it try and see if fits you well. I primary shot the Berretta for military qualifications and just recently have had the chance to shoot more brands....I still like the feel of the Glock and enjoy the reliability of them. Last point, we can rent pistols at the indoor range we shoot at and the Glocks get abused, rarely cleaned, and they just don't ever fail. For giggles one of the guys intentionally tried to kill his Glock 19 and fired 4000 rounds without maintenance....no problems, no jams, no miss-fires.