I have been on both, and in our group of riders, guys have both seats. With that said, the boss seat has a much more firm foam, the cat seat has lots more room for storage, but the boss seat with all the compartments has plenty of storage and a big plus is that everything has its own place, the boss seat has a much better finish on it, all the upholstery is sewn tight,where i think that after a season of riding and the foam gets broke in the cat seat is going to have to be taken apart and re stapled. both seat sit at almost the same exact height, havent seen or heard of the cat seat foam actually taking on water, i think that the design of the cat seat looks so sweet on the sled especially with a fully polished tunnel. In the end i really dont know which seat is superior, the cat seat has just a little edge to it, thats if you dont mind the possibility of re stapleing it next year