Well-known member
I had an M-10 with a front airshock put in my 08 D8 last year. I noticed a bad vibration that I attributed to the extrovert drivers. Upon further review, I noticed that the way the upper front shock mount was aligned that it was contacting the inner lugs of my Camo Extreme.
When you look at this pic you will notice that the left half of the upper shock mount is actually sitting inside the split of the shock instead of being on the outside on both sides if that makes sense. You'll see that it is bushed over to the left for this to happen.
This creates the rub you see here.
Here you can see that the lower is bushed on the right as well causing the shock to sit the bushing width left of center. My question is why couldn't I just move the upper/lower bushings to the left side to center up the shock in the upper mount. Eye balling it doesn't look like it would contact the limiter strap. Anyone know why it would need to be in it's current configuration?
Thanks a lot. EW
When you look at this pic you will notice that the left half of the upper shock mount is actually sitting inside the split of the shock instead of being on the outside on both sides if that makes sense. You'll see that it is bushed over to the left for this to happen.
This creates the rub you see here.
Here you can see that the lower is bushed on the right as well causing the shock to sit the bushing width left of center. My question is why couldn't I just move the upper/lower bushings to the left side to center up the shock in the upper mount. Eye balling it doesn't look like it would contact the limiter strap. Anyone know why it would need to be in it's current configuration?
Thanks a lot. EW