we have an old foundation in our yard that was burried instead of being dug up by the previous owners. garter snakes have made this their home & we believe we have hundreds of snakes down there. the gophers also moved in for a while this summer when it got really dry & there is now about 30 holes within about 500 sq ft. the snakes then took over again & the gophers are gone. how the heck do we go about getting rid of the snakes?! we thought about anhydrous but i don't know if it will work with all the holes & then we also won't have grass for 2 years... we have tried sprays & all the cr*p on the market these days but nothing seems to work. the best thing we have found is a shovel & that just gets the ones that happen to be on top of the ground. its the time of year they shed their skin & we have found some very large skins so we know there are a few females still underground & those are the ones we need to eliminate.
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