Pull both idle screws right out, or at least MAKE SURE they are not touching the slides. Loosen the throttle cables till both slides COMPLETELY bottom out in the carb bodies. One at a time turn in the idle screws until you can just see them begin to lift the slides, you just want them touching. One at a time take the slack out of the cables until again you just see them starting to lift the slides, then tighten the jam nuts. Now pull the throttle wide open and stick your finger in each carb and feel that the slides are COMPLETELY lifted up out of the way of the bore, there shouldn't be any part of the slide still below the bores opening. Look at both slides at the same time ( You kinda go crosseyed to do it) gently open the throttle and make sure that both slides start to move at the same time, if they don't adjust the cables so they do. Either back off the side that starts to move first (lengthen it) or tighten up the one that moves last (so it starts to move sooner) Maybe take the belt off just to be safe and start up the sled, you'll have to hold the throttle a bit so it won't stall, turn each idle screw in the same amount until you get the idle rpm you want. This should give you about the right amout of throttle cable freeplay (for your tors) Turn it off and check again that the slides start to move at the same time, adjust if necessary, and you should be good to go. Clear as mud right? You'll figure it out, it's not hard to do. Good luck