there are definetly changes coming in most americans lifestyles.... thats for sure. who knows, even the trust fund kids might have to make changes too.........
i'm already preparing for next year. ditching trailers for the most part. getting a sled deck instead. much better economy and still gives the option to use a trailer still. enclosed trailers are sure nice. but, it seems like 95% of the time i'm flying solo to meet up with other riders or only one other guy with me. if what i've been told holds up, a truck with 2 sleds and a sled deck will do better mileage wise than towing a 2 place trailer unloaded. my truck gets about 14-17.5 mpg towing my open 4 place unloaded depending if i'm going 65mph or 80mph. 65 is the sweet spot. anything above 70 mph mileage suffers big time. if i can get 17+ mpg with the sled deck i think it will be well worth it. can almost save enough to pay for the gas in my sled.
i've done some mods to my 05' dodge diesel and i'm yeilding about 22-23mpg unloaded mixed city and highway driving now (running a special muffler and a 2 deg base time advance with stock fueling.) which is really good considereing its a 1 ton. trick is driving like you've got an egg under your foot. with the 2 deg advance it really increases the driveablility in the 1000-1600 rpm range while using very little throttle and still drive with the normal pace of traffic. for anyone interested in the cummins stuff check out . works as advertised. only downside is that in cold weather with the cranksensor in the advance position, it takes forever and a day to warm up. like double the drive time. no a big deal if you dont mind it. it also sounds more like a 99-02 24 valver. not as loud at all, just more like it sound wise.
some guys have posted gas prices up in i really feel for you guys. i have family in qubec. from what they tell me (he used to own a truck dealership) pretty well half of what you guys make goes to the that sucks big time...
the cure for high prices is more high prices... but most people are going to have to tighten up their spending habits. no doubt... i really think this will all turn around. the question is when. there's lots of foregin money pouring in investment wise right now. dues to the favorable exchange rate.
thats part of whats driving this commodites bubble. interesting bit of info i found this week. part of the reason for the surge in diesel prices in the last year or so is because the chinese cant get their power infrastructure (coal fire) up fast they are using lots and lots of diesel generators right now....
one big looming question i have is will all of these presidential canidates really follow through with all of their carbon emmissions cap and trade rhetoric....thats the big question... is it just empty talk to get the libs to vote for them? or are they really serious? (democrat house and senate with any of the 3 canidates could mean green light for lots of crappy legislation.) cause if that actually happens it could really cause alot of problems... i can honestly see a very big chunk of manufacturing just going to other countries ( eh hem........china, mexico..) that dont have any real emissions regs..... anyone looked at photos of china lately....

i can only imagine how them distance runners in the olymics will feel.......cough cough.....weez....
i just have a hard time beliving all of these liberal politicans would really want a socalist like system because they themselves would have to pay much higher tax rates....... seems like everyone pays half their salary or more in those countries....
your gonna see lots of guys carpooling and making cuts elsewhere. people are going to buy less stuff. plain and simple..........its ridiculous how many new cars and trucks are just not moving at the dealerships here. words out on all the new Tier III garbage and how fuel economy is a good 20-30% less than the equivelent non tier III diesel truck. i really feel bad for my buddies who run 8-11 mpg duramax's. one friend of mine already sold his. and glad he did.

he traded it for a 6.0 chev gasser......... crazy enough that 6.0 gets better mileage towing............although slower..... i was surprised when he said that the gasser got better economy than the diesel.... the dmax get 9-10 towing. the 6.0 gets 10-12 he said.
the hardcore crowd will still ride regularly. eveyone else wont go as much. a few will probably sell their sleds for big loss.
i do have one request of the snowest crowd...... take you subsitity stimulus check and go buy a gun. prefereably a pistol or an ar-15.......that'll pizz of the libs........

i wonder if were gonna look back in twenty years and think of the next president with the same cross eyed feeling i get when i think about jimmy carter........wonder if we'll say the same about george w.....