IMO...some helpful suggestions
Pull the skid... disassemble and clean then re-grease. Perfect time for this as you will have your shocks out.
Carefully inspect the two pivot shafts that bolt to the tunnel/drop-brackets... those can get really worn as they run in the tube with no bushings.
On the 13's... pull the Quickdrive belt and pulleys.. & secondary-clutch.
Check all four bearings on the jack/drive shafts.
Loosen the track to check bearings on the drive shaft.
X2 on
Clean the exhaust valves & fuel filter... the SPI filter seems to be decent quality for half the price...
When you send in the shocks... specify that they only use full synthetic shock oil...Amsoil 5w shock therapy is great.
IMO, Send them up to the shop that TRS recommends and you can also benefit from an well thought out, inexpensive re-valve on these that will help with longevity and performance on a budget.
With that many miles on the engine (not too much though)...
1) Think about a piston or fix kit from the many suppliers out there.
2)Send your injectors in for service.
I've used
With good results.
The injectors come off as a pair attached to the pigtail... the individual connectors on the injectors are glued on and can be problematic if removed.
Not a bad time to pull your fuel tank... pull the pump assy.. check the hoses, and the pickups... and clean out any debris inside.
IMO... if you ride hard...move the ground bundle to a different place than the bumper tab...If you hit something and break the tab... you will have running issues.
Check your throttle cable for fraying at both ends etc... replace if necessary.
Check your hifax, replace if necessary.