This might be a mute point but $hit!!!! I have my usual ridin buddy "INCHbyINCH" he's awsome but we have three other friends who used to ride with us but have been bitten by some sort of rare exotic bug. This bug has the effect of shrinking a man's wiener to the size of a... very small thing. Furthermore these three "friends" are contributing to the pussification of mankind! What is the world coming to?
The best part of this is that I can describe the three of them without fear of repercussion because according to them you have to be Thunderstruck or 509 Film quality to be a member of snowest; I have informed them of the fallicy in their logic but that in order to be a member you do have to have at least a peanut or two in your sack to be protected by your ever so minute toothpick. My mother has a bigger member than all three of these guys put together. They are the only three homos I know who are adamate about wearing their beacon to Mt. Spokane to trail ride... GOD forbid you get lost in the middle of a groomer track- I'd be the first to spearhead the search effort.
I may be the only person with this problem, that is I hate it when guys pu$$y out and use some cop out of an excuse like "I have a family now so I can't do that" when they just got married last year and have no children or other feduciary responsibilities, I'm married and I'm not afraid to say I'm uncomfortable if I get out of my comfort zone... but I won't hide behind lame, weak, and transparent excuse.
There is one good that can come of this affront to mankind: They won't be trackin out my favorite ridin areas because they're too pu$$y to get there!
I thank those three for contributing to the pussification of mankind and showing the rest of us what not to do...
I needed to vent, I feel better now, respond or not now you know.
Special thanks to DAVE, CARL and JASON
The best part of this is that I can describe the three of them without fear of repercussion because according to them you have to be Thunderstruck or 509 Film quality to be a member of snowest; I have informed them of the fallicy in their logic but that in order to be a member you do have to have at least a peanut or two in your sack to be protected by your ever so minute toothpick. My mother has a bigger member than all three of these guys put together. They are the only three homos I know who are adamate about wearing their beacon to Mt. Spokane to trail ride... GOD forbid you get lost in the middle of a groomer track- I'd be the first to spearhead the search effort.
I may be the only person with this problem, that is I hate it when guys pu$$y out and use some cop out of an excuse like "I have a family now so I can't do that" when they just got married last year and have no children or other feduciary responsibilities, I'm married and I'm not afraid to say I'm uncomfortable if I get out of my comfort zone... but I won't hide behind lame, weak, and transparent excuse.
There is one good that can come of this affront to mankind: They won't be trackin out my favorite ridin areas because they're too pu$$y to get there!
I thank those three for contributing to the pussification of mankind and showing the rest of us what not to do...
I needed to vent, I feel better now, respond or not now you know.
Special thanks to DAVE, CARL and JASON