And I do hope and believe that many of you are wrong about the education system. Yes it has some terrible things but the majority of you probably went to public schools and owe alot to those teachers. Someone whined about teachers being the reason for high property taxes. That's not true yes the money goes to ed system but the majority is eaten up by the higher echelon of admins. the wonderful NCLB( No child left behind ) helped with that and added more politicians in which we all know is always a lose lose situation. There needs to be accountability for teachers and students but standardized testing to put all students on the same level isn't fair. Schools with high numbers of special ed are hurt by that in their overall scores. That's BS we need students to excel not be held back to make the playing field even. We need to explore real world training and tech training in the schools rather than the solely college prep which we are moving towards. It isolates students and isn't for everyone. If a students wants to be a mechanic we need to have the Auto classes for them not tell them they are dumb so many times they just don't give an f anymore. but I could go on for days the short of it is people have to start standing up quit being chicken ****s and do something when you see something that has gone as awry as the education system in this country. If we don't our medical system will be a twin sister in ten years with the same issues. Too many politicians. Everyone askin g why no one is accountable and working hardest to make sure the blame never comes back to them
You lost credability with me when you stated "teachers are not the reason my property taxes are so high!!!
There are so many tax and spend leftwing Obamabat teachers out there pushing there BS agenda on students and parents alike it is not even funny.
most teachers have atleast 4 votes to my one as there spouse (partner) and parents all vote with them.
Not to mention all the welfare dregs that don't own real estate looking for more "free" programs (for the children)
now don't even get me started with college!!!!!!