I have a 1998 Summit X 670 and have been having some problems with eratic idle and fouled plugs. (rich) Been thru the carbs and don't see any problems with them. Suspected DPM so dug into that. Found that I had no power to the enrichment or comp solinoids. Either after start (cold motor) or above 2500 RPM after warm-up on the comp solinoid. Doesn't make a difference if I unplug the air temp sensor or the coolent temp sensor. Thought I had a corroded plug in line with the MPEM. Looked into that and all connections looked good without corrosion and ohm checked good. My DESS light will blink intermittently after some starts, but goes away after 15-20 seconds or after messing with the tether cap. Bogged under 3000 RPM a couple times in the garage, but runs OK other than that. Glitch in the DESS? I would like to check the stator resistance, bu not sure of the values I need to see. Want to rule everything out before replacing the MPEM. No water in fuel and all lights and warmers work great. Ran great first ride of the year, and suddenly started acting up. Bit of a new guy here, just looking for advice.