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Motorfist contest thread for Weds, August 1.

My buddy had a Older skidoo with roundslides on it. you know how they pull your thumb is crazy tired by the end of the day. Either way one of the cables broke after the cable splits. We stripped back the shell of the wire and used zip ties to secure it. Then it was open under the hood and worked well. He rode the sled out about 2 miles of back country and about 18 miles back to the cabin.

Not to wild. Thankfully we don't have any bad stories. Plenty of pull outs but nothing to mcguyverish.
i know of 1 doo.


4 people.2 sleds.10 miles from the truck and my bro goes out solo on a new doo and forgets to push in the decompression button and melts a new piston like fried eggs on a hot skillet.dad threatens to take off his belt and beat his azz for being a dumbo and then threatens to belt my azz for laughing at my bro getting in trouble.LOL. anyway,the skis come off and get turned around and handlebars get tied straight so they dont get caught in track.then its pic time.it kinda looks like bro is staring at moms rear end but its dad saying...look forward and say cheese.:)we made it back.the end.

Isn't that Grandma driving that Doo? That's got to be snowmobiler on the Doo being towed!!!!!!!!
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No pictures on this story but i somehow forgot my camera that day. One day me and my brother (ski-dont89) decided to go for a ride. He decided to take his sled that he hadn't ridden much that year because he had been working on it and changing some parts around. So we get quite a ways back in the hills up by hunt mountain road area in the Northern Bighorns. Everything was going good, pretty decent snow and it was a nice day. Towards the end of the day about 3 or 4 in the afternoon his sled breaks down and dies. We tried about everything we could think of to get it running, after a while we decided that his 09 700 rmk was not going to run. Then the decision came to tow it out. The sketchy trail that we came in on was the fastest way back to the truck but it was rough, steep and icy in the trees and would not be much fun towing a sled. The snow was just deep enough that i couldnt tow his sled by myself. He seen some video on this very forum about somebody who had hauled out a sled in an unusal way. So we decided to give it a try since the way we were going to take out was up hill and farther than the way we came in on but would be easier. Luckily we had tools and some rat-chit straps. Flipped his skis around backwards, took my tail-light off my dragon and the two of us got his track up on my tunnel. His sled pointing forward with the end of his track almost at my seat. Needless to say my sled was loaded to the nuts. I was up on the side of a gentle hill and the plan was to get down to where i had beat down a trail and start working my way up to the next ridge. When i got down the gentle hill i was moving might along and everything was going good (After losing the sled once) i went to make the turn to go on the trail that i had made and i could not turn the train to save my life. Right then i decided to hammer down and into the bottom of the draw i went. Probably not my brightest idea but it was either that or stop and have trouble getting going again. The bottom i dropped into had literally no base at all. I made it about 100 yards trying to get out of the bottom before i got stuck. I dug myself out by the time my angry brother got down to where i was. By this time it was getting closer to dark and started to snow. We decided to bring extra help and come get it the next day. As we are riding double out on my sled a couple guys come run us down. They offered to come help us get it out to the main trail. We go back in there and put my brothers sled back on my tunnel down in the bottomless pit and hook the guys brand new artic cat 1100 and his friends ski doo 800 up to my sled. It took a few times of getting them unstuck and on the right line to get out. Off we go and we finally make it out to the trail when it was dark. We make it to the lodge where we parked. We go in a buy the guys a few drinks and had to call our parents as they were about ready to call the search and rescue. Morale of the story is snowmobilers are good people and the best help when out playing in the snow is other sledders.
I was riding with a guy who's brake bleeder blew out, so we decided to pull the bolt out that holds the caliper on (edge chassis) put plastic tape around the bolt and screwed it in forcefully, well then we figured out no brake fluid. but then we realize we have beer and gatorade. we used beer at first then realized you can't get the air out. then gatorade it was. it worked great til the stator went out. same ride another guy broke his steering post and rode out with vise grips.


GREAT stories. You just have a couple hours left to get them posted before today's contest closes.
Had to rebuild 40% of a chain case with countless tubes of jb weld,cardboard form and a trap in a snowstorm. Trail ride in was 45km.......had to make that trip 4x to get enough parts. Got it back up and running and ran it hard for the next 2 days!
2 hours of fun

Hey guys,
I'll make this short, drove to Island Park, ID from Seattle we were staying for 5 days, right when we got there we took off riding, with in 2 hours I had burnt down my 2001 highmark 800X. Towed it out backwards with the track on the back of friends sled and the ski's turn backwards, Guess what I did for 4 more days? Good Times.
As a snowmobile patrol officer for the Black Hills area I often come across those who broke down or wrecked and have had to use what ever I could find to get them back home. Some include:
- Used wire from my pocket spiral notebook to replace the e-clip lost from someones trailside carb adjustment attempt.
- Use part of my pen (usually used for writting tickets) to spice a broken fuel line.
-Cut a small tree (dont tell the FS) to tie from ski loop to ski loop for a broken steering rod end.
-Spiced a broken trailing arm with wrenches from the tool kit and duct tape.
-Rode out wrecked sled missing ski and trailing arm by tying rope onto handle bar to allow me to hang off opposite side and bounce the belly pan off the snow.
-Recovered a lost sled by myself where the snow was too deep to tow. Leapfrogged both lost sled and my patrol sled back to trail. Ride my sled 100yards, walk back to lost sled, ride it to my sled, repeat.
While riding with a buddy, at over 100mph, my trailing arm bolt snapped after jumping a mogul, and the sled took an immediate left turn, left the trail, hit an embankment, launched around 100 feet through the air, and landed in a shrub about 20 feet from the trail. (I bailed and rag dolled past where the sled landed)

After my buddy who was trying to catch mp to me passed me, his head turning like an owl's, turned around and came back. We enlisted some other riders for help, and carried the sled back to the trail with the entire right hand suspension bent up and hanging by only the steering linkage and one control arm..

Straitened out the bent parts then took a couple ratchet straps and strapped it together enough to ride it back. Got pics too, somewhere.
PJ, we have discussion to do after all that reading. I'll have it announced tonight.
I get on a flight in a few mins and don't get home until after dinner. Hang tight and be patient for me until I can get it posted.
Thanks man. Actually I'm in your neck of the woods right now. Sitting at Denver Intntl gate A-52.
We flew in for Aerosmith last night.
Thanks man. Actually I'm in your neck of the woods right now. Sitting at Denver Intntl gate A-52.
We flew in for Aerosmith last night.

Kinda. This coming weekend will be the second time this year I went to the Chitty. I hope that October is the 3rd time for Snow Show and then not again till Snow Show 2013. LOL

Have a blast at the concert
Show was last night @ Pepsi Center.
Was a great show.

JUST landed in Seattle.
Ok, I'm home now. I can wrap this one up.

Reading up on this stuff makes me remember some other good ones I've been around.

Larry, I broke a water pump belt on my PSI 1155, I had spares and everything to get it done...except a socket extension for that dang 10mm bolt on the belt housing. Rode that out...of HooDoo...FROM THE SAME PLACE I told the other story about. Hmmm makes me think I shouldn't go back in there anymore. Infact...I haven't been there since.

Cutting the tree branches makes me think of when I dropped my RMI gear drive out and locked up my track last year. We did that to get out of Copper Creek. THat sucked.

Votes are being tabulated now.
OH MAN you guys made this one hard to judge.
I had 4 that were REALLY hard to pick from, but in the true spirit of a Magyver job that got the sled out...the tie breaker goes to Hardass for this one.

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