Worth every penny. At 1000 grams my neck is very happy.
Helmet fits well and is light. Did i mention that it's light?
My mainstay helmet has been my 2004 skidoo xteam. I have purchased several helmets since 2004 but didn't like any of them (including klim F4) all always went back to my good ole worn out 2004 skidoo helmet. Not anymore!
If u notice neck fatigue/ soreness after every ride, try out this new Alpha. It is not gonna work for everyone but it sure saved my neck.
Helmet fits well and is light. Did i mention that it's light?
My mainstay helmet has been my 2004 skidoo xteam. I have purchased several helmets since 2004 but didn't like any of them (including klim F4) all always went back to my good ole worn out 2004 skidoo helmet. Not anymore!
If u notice neck fatigue/ soreness after every ride, try out this new Alpha. It is not gonna work for everyone but it sure saved my neck.