if he doesn't know how to shoot a gun, which is obvious, he could have just as easily shot someone else.
i hope he gets a very harsh punishment from the courts...not because i'm a gun control freak but because i am just the opposite. these kind of j**k**ses are the examples the extremists' use for their cause. this is the fuel for their fire. a fire that is going to burn the law-abidding firearm owner that pays his taxes and protects his neighbor. i have to have a shotgun and a rifle to hunt and feed my family but this f**khead is the reason that i may have them taken away from me. i enjoy hunting pheasants on thanksgiving morning and sharing my harvest with my friends and family but how long will that last when these types of scenarios are constantly threatening my gun ownership? i need to harvest big game for food through the winter but somewhere, someone that i'm not even connected to is doing something that will effect me. all of these things require the use of a gun. i enjoy hunting but that isn't the sole reason i do it. i do it because i can't afford not to. lock the f**ker up so that i don't have to change the way i live my life.