sounds good Ken! I think you will roll in about 2hrs later @8:00am just in time to register. you will take the 2nd exit into the Fairgrounds and take the 1st left past the buildings into the pits, there you will see the registration booth!
btw, we figured on cancelling if you didn't show...
the 1st Montana WinterFair Shootout was a Success with over 60 sleds making the show! A BIG thanks to Craig-Snowtana and his 2 boys for all the help with the Lights & Public Address, actually a Big Thank You to the Great Falls Snowmobile Club for use of the Lights. Also the Little Belts Snowmobile club for putting this event on and to all the club members for their work that made this possible, again Thanks to everyone and all the many sponsors! Will post pics and more soon!!!
Thanks to the Little Belt Snowmobilers for putting on a good quality race. We had a great time and will be back for next years race. I'd like to put on some pics but my pitman only took videos on my camera and I have no idea how to download them, Ken.
just one more Special Thanks to Mark & Scott-"Wichman Ranch" for making the venue Extra safe with all the Round & Square bales of straw to line out the runout and strip, Mark donated hours on hours with his Tractor-Trailer and loader. Again Thank You Mark & Scott!
Spud got tired of his *** getting whooped, so he opted for a lightweight mod half-way through the day. She did come home w/ 2 -2nd place trophies. So we cant really say Ken rides like a girl anymore.