Updated! Handling In Deep Powder & Trees!!!
All I can say is the more I ride w/ this front end the more I am impressed with it! We rode in 4-5 feet of fresh light powder to med weight powder that set up more towards the end of the day.
First off it is SO sensitive, but in a good way.
The BIGGEST thing I noticed in these conditions was, the aptitude for that "right now' response when pulling a line through tight trees. In the past in the stock configuration in these conditions it would take ALOT of throwing my body, hanging a leg way out, & so on, into a countersteer carve to avoid an obsticle while at WOT this sometimes was challenging in tight terrain & avoid getting stuck at the same time.
With the Bark Buster front end I found that while running the sled at WOT, a light countersteer & minimum lower body imput would put me into a tight turn imediatly, but in controlled manner, & gave me more time to continue assessing my line. Which eliminates hesitation & backing off the throttle to perform a manuvor, therefore eliminating loosing that track speed needed for the conditions .
I also got into some really tight stuff today with the BB. That before, with the stock front-end I would not atempt do in these particulare conditions, du to not being able to weave through them & keep my momentum up to avoid being stuck.
My husband & I also traded off sleds on the trail to compare our M1000's this time. His M1000 has a stock front end with a Mountain Tamer rear suspension. We both agreed that my M1000 with the combination of the Bark Buster Front-end & the Mountain Tamer rear made for a much plusher ride.
Again, I can't get over the responsiveness of my sled now, & am loving the very light feel it has overall!
As I discover new things I will keep you all posted!