George - you're right - it's high time for women to be a contributing force in running our country. HOWEVER..... if all women choose to put country / job / state / etc. ahead of their family, whose gonna raise the next generation of Americans? the men? hmmmm - how many of you men are willing to pony up so your wives can take on a challenge like this? Now, I know that is a sweeping generalization and a VERY sexist remark on my part, but so be it.
McCain chose her for a myriad of reasons - pro-choice being one of them. By choosing to have her son, she obligated herself to following through with that choice - putting her son, not the country first, as long as he needs her. A woman or man can only serve me as an American when they are unencumbered by other obligations, and raising a family at this stage is a huge obligation.
Bottem line - choosing a candidate is a personal choice, and I'm going to critically question everything about both presidential candidates and their VP's, and why they chose those running mates.