Springs have got TWO rates. Basically called a start rate and a finish rate.
I'm not running a turbo, don't know much about clutching them but can offer a bit of help I guess...
D&D White - 135/330- this is what I run on my m1, the engagement is pretty nice. Not sure if I like the high finish, I noticed I had to tighten the secondary quite a bit more to make my rpm. You'll learn that clutches are Voodoo!
Cat Orange/White 143-290
Cat yellow white 122-285
Cutler makes a low engagement high finish but I haven't tried it yet
cpc- gold white regular 135--305-
# CP-000-0012 Titanium Gold/White Engagement Spring 130 @ 2.562” and 320 @1.312” $100 discontinued
Also haven't tried any speedwerx stuff, probably give their new springs a go next season as they should be replaced every year. And 'cause there's nothing as nice as a freshly rebuilt clutch. Buttons, weights, pins, bushings, a milled out spider, DD rollers, belt, springs Mmm MMmmm Good!
What primary weights do you got on the go?