so, put new belanger belt guard on the other day and after completing install. went to start sled and it did not turnover as if the battery had full voltage. did not mess with any of the electrical system accept the fuse box and the ecm and that was just to remount them on the new guard. went riding a few days later again sled turned over slower than normal but still started, rode for approx three miles shut sled off and could not get it to start on its own. jump started with a friends truck and the battery acted normal for the rest of the day. not sure where to start with this one as i said i have not added anything electrically to this machine. and now after week of sitting the sled still starts but not like it should. if there is a slow draw on the system wouldnt it drain the battery completely. this whole thing has me afraid to leave the house with this thing. gotta have another sled with electric start in order to feel comfortable.