I have a 2012 assault with the comp track on it, only mods done is a specialty sleds can. The first problem is that a handfull of times on wot pulls it revs right up to 8200 rpm then dies out on me for a second then comes right back too 8200 on the gauge. Could this be that I'm hitting the rev limiter and it's not saying that on the gauge or does it sound like something else like det? I've run 94 octane fuel in it from day 1 on premium plug. I have factory clutch weights in it still 62 gram I believe. It usually runs great but it has died out on me a few times when I really needed it to preform. I've been riding in revy at about 6000 to 8000 feet. Second problem is I have basically 0 weight transfer the skies are always planted my rear track shock is at 10 1/4 " and the front track shock is about 1/4 from being fully lengthened and the clickers in about mid range I weigh about 200lbs geared up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.